Page 1 Residential Irrigation Controller Owner’s Manual and Programming Instructions Compatible with Hunter Remotes and Solar Sync Unit A, Riverside Business Centre, Email: | Phone: Bendon Valley, London, SW18 4UQ. Hunter X-CORE Owners Manual And Programming Instructions. Residential irrigation controller. Hide thumbs. Also See for X-CORE. Owners manual and programming instructions - pages. Instructions - 3 pages. Owners manual and programming instructions - pages. 1. 2. Residential irrigation controller, Owner’s manual and programming instructions • Read online or download PDF • Hunter X-CORE User Manual.
Manual Hunter Xcore Sprinkler Manual This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this hunter xcore sprinkler manual by online. You might not require more time to spend to go to the ebook foundation as well as search for them. In some cases, you likewise complete not discover the statement hunter xcore sprinkler manual. AC supply wires must be 14 AWG ( mm) or larger with appropriate circuit breaker for the wire size. A switch or circuit-breaker shall be included in the building installation (in close proximity to the controller, within easy reach of the operator) and marked as the disconnecting device for the equipment. 3. Page 1 Residential Irrigation Controller Owner’s Manual and Programming Instructions Compatible with Hunter Remotes and Solar Sync Unit A, Riverside Business Centre, Email: | Phone: Bendon Valley, London, SW18 4UQ.
Owner's Manual and. Programming Instructions. X-CORE®. Residential Irrigation Controller. SEASONAL ADJUSTMENT. WATER DAYS. START TIMES. SYSTEM OFF. The sensor is interrupting irrigation, HUNTER X CORE TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE. PROBLEMS. CAUSES. SOLUTIONS the Water Adjustment scale at 1 and. This feature allows for quick adjustments to irrigation run times through a percentage scale. During peak season, set the seasonal adjustment to %. If.